See also

Family of Harold Arthur ROBINSON and Mavis Evelyn HANSELL

Husband: Harold Arthur ROBINSON

  • Name:

  • Harold Arthur ROBINSON

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Father:

  • -

  • Mother:

  • -

  • Birth:

  • 24 Jun 1938

  • Coverack/Cornwall, England

  • Death:

  • 5 Dec 2000 (age 62)

  • /Scotland

Wife: Mavis Evelyn HANSELL

Child 1: Lynette Mavis ROBINSON

Child 2: Pauline Anne ROBINSON

Child 3: Philip Robert ROBINSON

  • Name:

  • Philip Robert ROBINSON

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse:

  • Venetia HAAK

Child 4: Irene ROBINSON