See also

Family of Edward HOUGHTON and Harriet HANSELL

Husband: Edward HOUGHTON

  • Name:

  • Edward HOUGHTON

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Father:

  • -

  • Mother:

  • -

  • Birth:

  • "Unknown"


  • Death:

  • "Unknown"


Wife: Harriet HANSELL

Child 1: Edward A. W. HOUGHTON

  • Name:

  • Edward A. W. HOUGHTON

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • 1915

  • Southampton

  • Death:



Child 2: Violet HOUGHTON

  • Name:

  • Violet HOUGHTON

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Birth:

  • 1920

  • Southampton