See also

Family of Henry EASTMAN and Elizabeth Susan SCOTT

Husband: Henry EASTMAN

  • Name:

  • Henry EASTMAN1

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Father:

  • George EASTMAN (c. 1813- )

  • Mother:

  • Mary Anne HUNT (c. 1811- )

  • Birth:

  • 7 May 1847

  • Millbrook, Shirley/Southampton, England1

  • Christening:

  • 6 Jun 1847 (age 0)


  • Death:

  • 15 Apr 1870 (age 22)

  • Shirley Warren, Millbrook/Southampton, England2

  • Burial:

  • Apr 1870


  • Occupation 1:


  • Bricklayer2,3

Wife: Elizabeth Susan SCOTT

Child 1: William Henry EASTMAN

  • Name:

  • William Henry EASTMAN

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • c. 1870


  • Death:



Child 2: Jane Eliza EASTMAN

  • Name:

  • Jane Eliza EASTMAN

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Birth:

  • c. 1871


  • Death:



Note on Husband: Henry EASTMAN - shared note

Henry's death was registered by Mary Ann Eastman, probably his mother.

Henry Eastman was born on May 7th. 1847, the son of George Eastman and his wife Mary Ann formerly 'Hunt'.

Mary Ann registered the birth, thirteen days later, authorising her name with a cross, and describing her place of residence as Cox Ford.

Henry's father's occupation was that of a 'Smith'

Later a bricklayer. He married Elizabeth Susan Scott, and they had two children,

William Henry abt.1870 and Jane Eliza abt.1871.

Henry died at an address in Shirley Warren Southampton from Inflamed Gums, an Abscess and Ereseplas on April 15th 1870.

His occupation was given as Brickmaker and Labourer.

His mother Mary Ann Eastman [nee Hunt] who was present at the death,

registered her son's death the following day.

Note on Wife: Elizabeth Susan SCOTT - shared note

Elizabeth was originally married to Henry Eastman (George's brother). They

had two children.

She married George after Henrys death and had a further six children by him.

It appears that she was living with George after Henry died and before she married George, as the same address (Orchard Lane) was recorded on the marriage certificate.

She started and ran her own laundry, and Laundry Road (in Shirley) where they lived was named after it.

According to info from 1881 census, there was a Marther Gailor (aged 23) and a Lucy Munden (aged 14) staying with the Eastman family. As their occupation was indicated as laundress they were probably working in Elizabeth's laundry.

Her father was a butcher at West Cowes.

Elizabeth was a very kindly, good woman who not only had all those children (8 in total) and run her own laundry, but also cared for anyone in the neighborhood who was ill or in trouble. She used to take them meals she had cooked, tucked under her white apron so that no one would know.



Birth certificate for Henry Eastman. Not Given, Not Given.


Death certificate for Henry Eastman. Not Given, Not Given.


Margaret Hansell. Not Given, Not Given.


Birth certificate for Elizabeth Scott. Not Given, Not Given.