See also

Family of Christopher JUDD and Betsey LOWE

Husband: Christopher JUDD

Wife: Betsey LOWE

Child 1: Charles JUDD

  • Name:

  • Charles JUDD

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • c. 1841

  • Ower Eling Hants.

  • Baptism:

  • 6 Feb 1841 (age 0)



  • Copythorne Hants.

  • Death:

  • 22 Apr 1916 (age 74-75)

  • Curdridge Bishops Waltham Southampton Hants

  • Burial:

  • 25 Apr 1916

  • Curdridge. Hants.

Child 2: Albert JUDD

  • Name:

  • Albert JUDD

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse:

  • Frances Mary Anne EASTMAN (1842-1931)

  • Birth:

  • 9 Jan 1843

  • Money Hills Ower Eling Southampton

  • Baptism:

  • 5 Feb 1843 (age 0)



  • Copythorne Hants.

  • Death:

  • 29 Jan 1929 (age 86)

  • Ten, Grange View Hedgend Southampton Hants

  • Burial:

  • 2 Feb 1929

  • St. John's Church Hedge End

Child 3: Emma JUDD

  • Name:

  • Emma JUDD

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Birth:

  • 22 Dec 1844

  • Ower Eling Hants.

  • Baptism:

  • 2 Feb 1845 (age 0)



  • North Eling Hants.

  • Death:



Child 4: William JUDD

  • Name:

  • William JUDD

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • c. Sep 1846

  • Money Hills Ower Hants.

  • Baptism:

  • 4 Oct 1846 (age 0)



  • Copythorne Hants.

  • Death:

  • 21 Jul 1880 (age 33)

  • Curbridge.Southampton.Hants.

Child 5: James JUDD

  • Name:

  • James JUDD

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • c. 1850

  • Minstead Hampshire

  • Baptism:

  • 9 Jun 1851 (age 0-1)



  • Lyndhurst Hants.

  • Death:



Note on Husband: Christopher JUDD - shared note

Pedigree written to claim Pension from the Charities of John and Frances West, administered by Christ's Hospital London. [Now at Horsham Sussex]

Hampshire. A Pedigree of Christopher Judd, of Curbridge in the Parish of Titchfield in the County of Southampton -

"Christopher Judd is Son of [Betsey "crossed out"] Elizabeth Judd daughter of James Cooper late of Stockbridge by Mary his wife and sister to William Cooper of West Grimstead who was admitted to the bounty of Five Pounds per year by the Governors of Christ's Hospital. London. Mrs Francis West whose Maiden name was Cox, was Aunt to Joseph Cooper the elder of Stockbridge who had issue by Sarah his wife Joseph Cooper who had issue by Mary his wife James Cooper who had issue by Mary his wife [Betsey "crossed out"] Elizabeth Cooper married to Charles Judd who had issue by [Betsey "crossed out"] Elizabeth his wife Christopher Judd son of [Betsey "crossed out"] Elizabeth Cooper aforesaid."

Christopher was baptised at East Tytherley Hants on the 6th of January 1808, the son of Charles and Elizabeth Judd, nee Cooper.

He was only two years old when his mother died, and his father married again just over a year later to Jenny Tubb.

Christopher lived with his parents and elder half brother Stephen (Son of Charles and Mary Plowman). They were joined in the next few years by four half brothers, sons of Jenny the third wife of his father, Charles Judd.

Christopher was 31, when according to the Bishop's Transcripts of Winsor Eling, he married:(sic)

" Christopher Judd, batchelor of this parish, married Hannah Bessant Spinster of this parish, by banns."

The marriage was on the 17th of April1834, at Winsor Eling Hants.

The outcome was tragic. Hannah died 9 months later having given birth to twin boys. Aaron and George. At their Baptism on May the 31st 1835 their father, Christopher was recorded as a labourer of Winsor [Hants.]

Aaron outlived his mother, by nearly six weeks, and George, lived until 8 months, with a sad little burial on Christmas Day of 1835, at Copythorne, where he was interred with his mother and twin brother.

Christopher didn't remarry until nearly four years later on May 16th 1839, when he married Betsey [Elizabeth Lowe] at St. Mary's Chapel North Eling, Hants. He was a labourer, and Betsey was a servant.

The couple were living at Winsor Hants. in the 1841 Census.

In the 1851 census the family were recorded living at Emery Down in the New Forest.

Christopher was a labourer, and thought he had been born at Broughton. Hants. although he had been baptised at East Tytherley.

Christopher died aged 66 of "Senile decay," at Curbridge, Titchfield, on February 17th 1874. [Registration District Fareham] His Burial [22/02/1874] is recorded at Sarisbury Church, on the outskirts of Southampton.

He had been an Agricultural Labourer, all his life.

In Christs Hospital Pension Ledger at the Guildhall London, it declares Christopher's pension, [which he appeared to have been receiving in 1867] to have ceased, and pencilled in it says "In the workhouse"

His widow Betsey was to outlive him for some 24 years, being 64 at the time of his death.

She does not seem to have been present or to have registered it.

Note on Wife: Betsey LOWE - shared note

Betsey Lowe was baptised at Eling Hants, on April 30th. 1809.

Betsey married Christopher Judd at St. Mary's Chapel North Eling on May 16th 1839.

Guests from outside Eling would have been expected to pay tolls to cross the bridge which spanned Eling Causeway.

These were the Rules:

"Tolls payable for passing over Eling Causeway.

For every carriage, van, hearse, waggon, timber carriage, machine steam carriage or other vehicle of whatever description on four wheels, drawn by one or more horses, mules, donkeys, or howsoever propelled or drawn: 6d.

For every carriage, hearse, cart, truck, machine, or other vehicle of whatever description on two wheels drawn by one or more horses, mules, donkeys,

or howsoever propelled or drawn: 4d.

By order of the warden and fellows of Winchester College.

Ruthven O. Hall. Bursar.

In the 1851 census, Betsy was recorded living at Emery Down, in the New Forest, aged 41, with her husband Christopher, and their five children, four boys and one girl. She gave her place of birth as Eling Hants.

In the 1881 Census, Betsy, now a widow, had her 3 year old grandson [Edward James Leat] staying with her at the tollgate cottage, two properties away from the Curbridge "Horse and Jockey" public house at Curbridge Hants. She was 71.

Under the same address were WilliamT.Godden, a married man aged 62, and his servant Harriet Saint, a widow aged 52

Betsy/Betsey Judd, died at Sarisbury, with her son at her side. Cause of death was given as Old Age [2 Months]. She was 88!

Apparently,there was a Family Heirloom,associated with her, namely a sampler embroidered at the age of 7.

The family custodians of this artefact returned from their holiday to find water had passed all over it from a burst cistern, so it was consigned to the bin!